Any westerner who loves to experience vastly different cultures and environments than their own would love a visit to Japan. A place so distinct from many countries, it is a popular tourist spot for nearly 32 million people per year before the pandemic in 2019 (Arba), and you should be the next tourist on that list. In no particular order, here are three reasons why you should visit Japan!
1. Public transportation
Firstly, as you arrive in Japan, Japanese airports are touted as some of the best designed and most efficient in the world. For example, an airport you will most likely fly to would be the Tokyo international airport. Luckily for you, it has a consolidated ranking of 2nd in the world according to (Braxton). This is due to the airport's exceptional service, timeliness, and access to food and shopping. This is impressive considering the over 30 million passengers that flow through it every year, making it one of the world's busiest airports, while maintaining its status as one of the best. (Braxton). Once you leave the airport and want to travel throughout the Japanese mainland, you can either hop in one of the world's most cost-efficient taxis or go to use Japan's array of rail systems, highlighted by Tokyo’s rail system: which spans a little over 310 kilometres in size. These trains are often described as quiet, clean and timely, and contribute to transporting millions of people throughout Tokyo every day. (International TEFL Academy). In conclusion, Japanese public transport will get you where you need to be, on time, and will transport you in luxury, which is a huge refreshment from some of the lousy public transportation systems boasted in the west. There is not much to complain about when it comes to Japanese public transport.
2. Beautiful landscapes
As you use Japan's top-notch public transportation system to travel throughout the country, it will be hard to miss how exceptionally beautiful the country is. It is full of vast landscapes: filled with expansive, jagged mountain ranges, breathtaking, colourful wildlife, and serene bodies of water which are so clear that they reflect the landscape that lies above them like a mirror. Furthermore, built upon these landscapes are wonderful buildings which show the brilliance of Japanese architecture. Some buildings, especially in rural Japan will look like they were taken right out of fantasy worlds like The Lord of the Rings, or The Hobbit with their jagged and impossible-looking architecture. While others: usually in more urban areas will amaze you with the flashing lights and colours that emit off of the video screens that they likely contain, and their dwarfing size is sure to amaze anyone that sees. These are just some reasons as to why ranked Japan as the world's 14th most beautiful country. (Bloom). In conclusion, it is a wonderful place to take a break from the boring boxy architecture, and baron flatlands seen in the west, and it is a place that you should definitely come see for yourself!
3. Cuisine
Luckily for the food lovers reading this list, Japanese food boasts a great deal of flavour and exoticness, for a reasonable price. From Sushi to Tofu to Udon noodles, Japanese food is regarded as top-notch. This is supported by being ranked among the top 5 cuisines in the world by CNN. (Li). Japan being a coastal country boasts mostly seafood, and over their thousands of years of rich history, they have perfected their seafood-influenced cuisine into something luxurious and sought after. If you have ever found yourself at western Japanese food chain restaurants like: Teriyaki experience or Panda express, you will likely fall in love with the authentic Japanese adaptations of the same foods, without hurting your wallet too much. This is because, at many family-owned restaurants in Japan, you can bet on getting a full-sized meal of aunty of the aforementioned Japanese foods for around USD $10. (Hastie). In conclusion, Japanese food uses a great deal of sauces and spices to give it an intense flavour that is mostly unheard of in western cuisine. The success of Japanese chain restaurants like: Teriyaki Experience and Panda Express prove the need for Japanese food by westerners. If this sounds appealing, then you should definitely travel to Japan to taste the real deal for yourself!
Works Cited
Arba, Alexandru. “• Japan: foreign visitor numbers 2020.” Statista, 2020, Accessed 2 May 2022.
Braxton, Serita. “Best Airport Rankings Worldwide + Airport Ratings.” AirHelp, 2022, Accessed 2 May 2022.
Hastie, Nicholas. “5 Top Reasons to Visit Japan.” Travel and Destinations, 2021, Accessed 2 May 2022.
International TEFL Academy. “The 9 Best Public Transportation Systems in the World.” International TEFL Academy, 6 April 2022, Accessed 2 May 2022.
Bloom, Laura Begley . “The World’s 50 Most Beautiful Countries (You Won’t Believe Where The U.S. Ranked).”, 22 February 2022, The World’s 50 Most Beautiful Countries (You Won’t Believe Where The U.S. Ranked). Accessed 2 May 2022.
Li, Zoe. “World cuisine: 10 best food cultures.” CNN, 29 January 2021, Accessed 2 May 2022.